Private In-Home Dog Training, Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Manners
All Breeds, All Ages, All Issues
Whether you’ve just brought home a new puppy, want to fine tune your dog’s training, or have behavior problems you’d like to change, we can help.
Services & Classes

Private Training
in Your Home
(Sessions also available via Zoom)
Schedule an appointment today

Puppy Kindergarten
For puppies ages 7 to 16 weeks
Check Back Soon
4 Classes for $175
Questions? Call or text 404.626.0036

We Train Family Dogs to Be Their Happiest, With Positive Solutions
Richard Fischhof, M.ED., CPDT-KA, CTC is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer who uses force-free training methods for best results. He works to incorporate your dog’s training into your daily life and keeps it fun for you both.
Have the well-trained dog you’ve always wanted
Gain the skills and knowledge to enjoy a great relationship with your dog
Get success by working at your dog’s level and understanding how dogs learn
Serving Pets and Their Families Across the Atlanta Metro for 15 Years
Richard has trained hundreds of happy dogs.
Won’t yours be next?
Why Us?
Problem Behaviors
We offer positive solutions for a myriad of behavior issues such as aggression, resource guarding, housemate rivalry, excessive barking, leash pulling, fears and phobias, and more.
Richard is a certified professional dog trainer with more than 17 years of experience in the Atlanta metro, and now also at Lake Oconee, and recommended by area veterinarians.
Puppy K and Basic Manners Classes
Our Puppy Kindergarten classes have been running for 10-plus years and continue to receive rave reviews. Puppies can graduate to Basic Manners class where we raise the criteria and add in distractions.
Force-Free Dog Training
This is the most humane way to train dogs, and studies show that dogs learn better with non-aversive methods. The training is enjoyable for both dogs and owners.
Dog Safety for Kids
“Be A Tree” focuses on fun, interactive activities to teach children how to read dog body language and act safely around dogs. Richard is a proud presenter. To schedule a presentation for your child’s class, call

Zoom Dog Training
During the pandemic, Richard pivoted to training on Zoom – and appeared in the Wall Street Journal and on the local news. He has trained dogs from New York to Illinois, and even a Poodle in Nice, France!
As Featured in:

Tips for Training Your Dog Via Zoom: Sit, Stay, Don’t Lick the Screen
Richard Fischhof proves you can teach old dogs—and young coronavirus puppies—new tricks. Yes, even man’s best friend can learn to social distance.

He Tells Dogs to Sit, but Now at a Screen
Local dog trainer finds way to still help his clients in the age of social distancing.
Right away! We can either do private lessons in your home, or Puppy Kindergarten class for puppies ages seven to 14/16 weeks.
We train all breeds, all ages, and all sizes – from a tiny Teacup Poodle to a giant breed such as a Great Dane.
No, any dog can learn. The old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is not true.
Both — we start in the house with no distractions and gradually progress to the outdoors where there are more distractions.
It depends on you and your dog – you do have to practice, be consistent, and work with your dog in-between sessions.
No, I do not offer that service but I can refer you to those who do.